Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Rolltide (Riptide builds)

The Riptide is seen as the new black by some now that the Tau codex is out. As game changing as the Heldrake/Dreadknight. These monsters pack a wallop with the Ion Accelerator's template. The Riptide works best in 3's and I'm going to put together two lists that should help emphasize their prowess.

As we've seen with the Dreadknight T6 2+/5++ is substantially harder to kill than most other units and takes a huge volume of fire to bring down. The Dreadknight needs 72 Splinter Rifle shots or 216 Bolter shots to kill on average. He's effectively immune to small arms fire. The same with the Riptide: T6 2+/5++ just makes it extremely hard for troops to kill. And the Riptide has 5 wounds to the Dreadknights 4 and can take Feel No Pain. It is a great unit but highly reliant on massacring the enemy army before they wipe yours. To get Riptides you have to drop 185 points minimum each. Taking it with a Heavy Burst Cannon is a total waste of points. And, you can't take just 1, he can't output enough damage on his own to really put the fear of the Greater Good into the enemy. 1 dangerous Template a turn is as scary as a vindicator, and the Ion Accelerator doesn't cause instant death on Nob Bikers. You need at least 2 templates to start putting the hurt on the enemy. You also need Pathfinders. Having a BS3 gun with a 2/3 chance to scatter will frequently have your template landing off the mark. You also don't want to get your guys caught up in assault. To do this I'd take a Kroot screen for it. With that in mind let's build a list.

1750 list
Commander, Puretide, C&C Node, Iridium Battlesuit, TL Flamer (150)
Kroot, 5 Extra, 2 Hounds, Sniper Rounds (115)
Kroot, 5 Extra, 2 Hounds, Sniper Rounds (115)
Kroot, 5 Extra, 2 Hounds, Sniper Rounds (115)
Kroot, 5 Extra, 2 Hounds, Sniper Rounds (115)
Riptide, Ion Accelerator, Early Warning Override (190)
Riptide, Ion Accelerator, Early Warning Override (190)
Riptide, Ion Accelerator, Early Warning Override (190)
Fast Attack
Pathfinders, 5 Extra, (99)
Pathfinders, 4 Extra, (88)
Heavy Support
Broadsides, 2 Extra, Missile Fists, Velocity Tracker (255)
Imperial Bastion, Quad-Gun

Total: 1747

The Broadsides go in the Bastion. The Commander flits between Riptides and possibly the Bastion. His flamer is there to give extra help to preventing assault (therefore only used during Overwatch). The Kroot form blob fire-lines to prevent charging by causing pinning tests and by absorbing any charge that comes up. The Riptides get Interceptor in case of Drop Pods/Flyers/Outflankers/Shenanigans. With the extra 3 points get a Neuroweb Jammer. Because it's the only thing that's 3 points. Oh and the Commander has the Battlesuit to make him harder to kill and prevent average toughness shenanigans when he joins Riptides.

2000 List

Commander, Puretide, C&C Node, TL Flamer (125)
Kroot, 5 Extra, 2 Hounds, Sniper Rounds (115)
Kroot, 5 Extra, 2 Hounds, Sniper Rounds (115)
Kroot, 5 Extra, 2 Hounds, Sniper Rounds (115)
Riptide, Ion Accelerator, Early Warning Override (190)
Riptide, Ion Accelerator, Early Warning Override (190)
Fast Attack
Pathfinders, 4 Extra, (88)
Pathfinders, 4 Extra, (88)
Heavy Support
Broadsides, 2 Extra, Missile Fists, Velocity Tracker (255)
Aegis, Quad-Gun (100)
(Total: 1381)

Now the ally is hard. You have ~600 points to play with which can get you a lot of stuff. I'm looking at these: Orks, SW, IG.

With Orks it'd be Big Mek + Boyz and add back in a Riptide. Or Nob Bikers with Cybork and Painboy. Though the latter would suffer from being the only CC dedicated unit in the army.

With SW it'd be 2 Rune Priests (Jaws, Living Lightning) and Grey Hunters possibly with Razorbacks and maybe a unit of Thunderwolves.

With IG it'd be an infantry blob to take over objectives and free Kroot to Outflank. I'd also take a Vendetta Squadron because for 1 Fast Attack you can take 3 Flyers. Yeah sounds good.

The ally slot is up to you though. Tau can ally with everyone and only Daemons, Dark Eldar and Sisters have the 'I'm too nervous about these blueberries to fight' Desperate Allies rule. I took out the Iridium armor because you'll be facing more massed high strength low AP weaponry towards this points level and the Commander probably won't survive that. Also, since you can't field 'safe' Tau HQ's the Warlord should try his damnedest to stay in the back.

Also for fun I found this ally to be stupid but goofy:
Bloodthirster, Greater Gift
2 Units Bloodletters
Khorne DP w/Wings

I just like the idea of Tau having a Daemonic vanguard to lead their forces. (You'll have to drop 3 Pathfinders to get it though)

Well that's what I believe to be the optimal way to field Riptides without getting owned hardcore. It's a very strong unit that needs little synergy but when it gets that you can really give it the beans so to speak. The Broadsides and Pathfinders are the most important part of the synergy though so be cautious with them. If you lose the Broadsides you lose your anti-air and then your army gets slapped repeatedly as your Riptides are ineffectual against them.

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