Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Adepticon 2013 1st Place List

Today I want to do an analysis of the winning list from Adepticon 2013. It's pretty easy to grasp list and can be seen below. I'm going to do an analysis of the army's capabilities and maybe show how tactically it's a really good, albeit cheesy-as-hell, army.

Here's the list:

Breakdown in case the list is hard to understand:

Overlord, Warscythe
Warriors, Night Scythe, 165 (100 for Night Scythe)
Warriors, Night Scythe, 165 (100 for Night Scythe)
Warriors, Night Scythe, 165 (100 for Night Scythe)
Heavy Support
Annihilation Barge, 90
Annihilation Barge, 90
Annihilation Barge, 90

Total: 865
This list is about as optimized as you can get with Necrons. You've got 3 Flyers, 3 HP3 Skimmers. The Lord is about as meaningless as can be and will probably be kept inside a vehicle and out of sight. The warriors will be kept inside the Night Scythes and therefore immortal until the enemy army is wiped or the game is ending. Since they can be kept inside and not worry about the Night Scythe blowing up it's really a no-brainer strategy. You have 12 S7 AP- shots per turn that can generate further hits like nobodies business. An only mildly lucky roll will generate 4 extra hits. You also get them re-rolled so Annihilation Barge is a really strong unit that can put the hurt on damn near anything. Oh and Night Scythe's get the same weapon but on a Flyer. So in total you have 24 S7 AP- Twin-Linked shots per turn that cause an additional 2 hits every time you roll a 6. Meaning that you'll generate an additional 8 hits per turn on average. That's being very conservative. With just an 865 point list you're already generating more high Strength shooting than most 1500 point armies.

The vehicles you have are all also very survivable. Night Scythes based purely on Flyer rules and Annihilation Barge based on the special rules Living Metal and Quantum Shielding. The latter gives them AV13 on front and Side until they get penned. Impossible with anything S7 or below so they are extremely strong until mid-game because of the need to move larger weapons over to tango with them. Honestly I can't believe their points costs. They should be at least 100 points more. 190 seems fair for everything they bring to field. They're better than IG tanks in total fire and survivability and they're all fast skimmers making them super maneuverable. Ridiculously bad rules here and it's right of this player to exploit this unit. Hell, in a double FOC game of 2k or more I'd bring 6 of these then start building the rest of the army.

Draigo, 275
Paladins, 10 total, 710
  • 1 Apothecary, Brotherhood Banner
  • 4, Force Halberd
  • 2, Force Sword
  • 3, Force Sword, Psycannon
Total: 985

The infamous Draigo-star. The ultimate deathstar as it's filled with 2+/5++ Feel No Pain marauders with force weapons. Able to annihilate practically any unit it's also insanely expensive. It forces your attention though and in this case you'll need to use most of the fire from your army at this points cost to bring this unit down which frees up the Necrons to ruin your shit. An excellent balance to the Necrons list in that it's an in your face CC unit (with some psycannons because why not?). They should be right in your opponent's face the whole game creating a huge problem for any force that must immediately be addressed. They're almost as survivable as TH/SS termies with their 5++ Feel No Pain giving them a .55 chance to save. Compared to the .67 chance that normal SS grants. They also benefit from the Brotherhood Banner tremendously and so the squad can get 36 attacks on the charge. Also their force weapons are always active so every single strike causes Instant Death. It's like taking a weed-whacker to your opponent's models. Oh, you're Apothecary has no weapons. Keep him in the back. Funny though that he can still slap people to death with 3 S4 AP- attacks. That's more than likely a wound versus FX. Karate-chopped by a termie. Badass way to die.

This list includes mad broken Necron units. Night Scythe can hold troops the whole game then fly 24'' and drop them off (and I don't believe they have to take Dangerous Terrain for that either) and Annihilation barges are extremely cheap and durable. Your shooting in nigh unapproachable by any other army and it's on survivable gun platforms that also have the ability to move huge distances before shooting. You then have an extremely strong Deathstar that must be addressed by the enemy otherwise they'll blow through unit after unit without suffering anything back. If assualting MEQ the unit will average 12 kills per turn on the charge. 4 kills at I6 meaning the average 10 man unit will have lost 40% of it's attacks back before they can strike blows. Also the whole unit has 2+/5++ Feel No Pain giving them a .88 chance of saving non-AP2 hits and a .55 chance of saving AP2 or higher hits. They all also have 2 wounds making them just not care if they do fail. Really devastating deathstar.

For things that would be good against this I'd look to SM. 3 Vindicators with some concerted blasts can wreak havoc on the Draigostar. Riptide can also cause the unit to be wiped fairly quickly. Triple Riptide armies are hard to make good though as the rest of your army sucks a lot. Firewarriors + Devilfish are not even comparable to Warriors + Night Scythe. IG have Medusa's for Draigostar but using Hydra's for Night Scythe severely hampers your heavy support. Actually IG alone might be able to purely counter this army with Medusas, Hydras, Executioners and a blob. Though they would be weak to things as simple as massed Orks.

This army is built to counter and control the current meta. With AV13/14, Flyers and Blobs being the rock/paper/scissors (I'd also include 2+ with the nerf to power weapons). The army above has good examples of all 3 meta-types with Draigostar Blob, AV13 Barges and Night Scythe Flyers. They have a great ability to take down any army that is dedicated to just 1 meta. I do think full tank IG would be able to deal with this army but would lose a lot to a first turn Alpha strike with all the fast stuff getting into range. This army is a hard one to counter but it shows an astute knowledge of the current meta game and also a bit of no-brainer knowledge of the absolute brokeness of Necrons/GK.

PS: What a load of crap Necron vehicles are.

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