Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Adepticon 2013 Second Place list

I looked over the Top 16 finishers at Adepticon and I would love to post the second list because it is just the ticket for what might be good against the winning list. The list is SM/IG with 2 blobs, 3 flyers and Thunderfire Cannons. Which is really funny to me because I've seen Thunderfire Cannons get laughed at continually on the internet for being a waste of points and this guy took 3. List is below:

It's a big list with 123 models total. Admittedly it's also a really weird list. The infantry platoons have several Melta Bombs/Power Axe Sergeants and the list has Kasarro Khan and an un-upgraded Librarian. Minimum squads of MEQ and their sarges have the free combi-melta. It's weird. But this list is all about the blobs and countering things that counter the blobs. 

Kasarro Khan will join a blob to give them Hit and Run and Furious Charge. The Librarian will go with the other blob and teleport it around the map (seriously). The Flyers are there just for anti-flyer fire and to pick off small vehicles. The Thunderfire Cannons are there for??? Counter blob fire? Anti-AV11-12? I honestly have no idea what they are there for. At a loss. You have 12 small Blast templates per turn with 3 possibilities. If they all hit at least 3 guys you can kill up to 10 MEQ a turn. That's nice I suppose? If they all land on target which is very unlikely. They're good at anti-blob fire though but this army really has nothing to deal with strong vehicles. 

When I look at this my first glance said this list is weird but okay. My second glance said this list is dumb. I think it might be made just to counter Necrons as they aren't very good at taking out blobs without help so this list would do well against the top 16 contenders where I think 7 had Necrons. The list also uses Melta bombs as their main vehicle deterrent which seems more than a little insane. 

This list is really dangerous in the fact that it has two blobs that have either the ability to disengage (Hit & Run) or the ability to jump up to 24'' in the movement phase thus avoiding charges. So neither of them can be properly engaged in close combat without them being able to jump out after, shoot the pants off of whatever shot at them, then jump back in to finish it. 

What can counter this list though? Same that will counter the 1st place list. Demolishers, Riptides, Medusas, plates. What I think these two lists will do is push more people to ally mech-IG as they can field the most plates in the fewest slots. Imagine a Triple Riptide Tau list with some Broadside anti-air and and IG Blob with Medusa batteries. That list would have a pretty good run against both of these and be able to hold it's own normally. I think a meta-shift may actually happen at competitive events where you see these lists not doing so well due to the prevalence of lists tailored just to counter these two. 

They do showcase my (and others) top 3 most OP units:
Necron Air
IG Blobs

And what's interesting is how much more powerful these lists are making pie plate lists. Imagine this list but sub out the Thunderfire Cannons for an Ordnance Battery of Medusas. I feel that with the Riptide, Broadsides, prevalence of pie plates in ally lists and anti-air eventually you'll see the end of those 3 units. But then again...Tau and IG can ally with all three. Shucks. 

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