Sunday, April 21, 2013

Flyer Fix? Maybe.

Took a road-trip today so I had some time to think about 40k and what small fixes could be made to improve unit balance and I came up with a simple one: Shots at Zooming Flyers are resolved at BS2 instead of BS1.

I think this might be enough to really take flyers down a peg and bring them in line with other units. I got this idea thinking about Axis and Allies. In that game, any unit has a chance of shooting down a plane except for subs (deck guns can't do it). This includes infantry, tanks and other planes. In 40k this sort of real-world balanced units is not assumed nor enforced (hence blob armies) but it supposed to be mandated by the rules ie: not enforced but you have to. In this new edition instead of mandating varied unit composition with a semi-mechanized army they instead enforce buying Flyers. Literally that's all they do: buy Flyers. They aren't an instant win card, however, and still aren't that devastating to an enemy army except for the Heldrake and Necron Air armies. They will ruin opponent's armies without anti-air. You need anti-air just for those units. That's stupid. 

To correct for this just add "Snap Shots at Flyers are resolved at BS 2 instead of the usual BS 1". I think this will go a long way towards evening out that part of the problem.

Now about blobs...

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