Tuesday, April 30, 2013

GW's War on Customers

As a paying Warhammer customer I'm pretty amazed by all the recent moves GW has been making with regards to 40k and their properties. I'd like to discuss it here. It seems to me that the company, although they are doing 'well', is on the path of self-destruction.

This article is just going to be a few bullet points about the bad moves GW has done and why we as players may need to start working on our own homebrew after the inevitable sell-off of GW.

  • For the last several years GW has had almost no change in profits but you'll notice that prices have increase 33-50% across the board. 
  • Daemons and Dark Angels were neither edited nor play-tested and have angered long-time fans of the game whose favorite armies were made sub-par
  • The newest codex releases haven't updated the rules in a way that sells more models, newer models are not the game-changing units they could be and even though points costs have been lowered on some accompanying price increases have seen people flock to GW's competition for much cheaper (and usually better looking) 'counts-as' models
  • Speaking of newer units with regards to Daemon and Dark Angels a lot of the new units were awful and thus no one wants to buy them
  • The constant price increases have forced people to go elsewhere and so many people are leaving the hobby that it's never difficult to find models on Ebay. The second-hand market is a huge chunk out of GWs profit
  • They shut down online parts dealers (after already hampering their business) and have been throwing around DMCA notices to a few big fan blogs, alienating their fan base in both instances
  • With the bits market hurt instead of creating incentive to buy the whole models they've instead created a larger trading market and forced sellers onto Ebay instead
What all this boils down to is Ebay is alienating it's clientele both businesses and paying customers. I must say, I'm extremely aggravated by all this and I've stopped buying new models from GW and FLGS entirely. Most of my models are from Ebay and I assume most of everyone's models will be from Ebay since there's no incentive anywhere to buy from GW. Ebay and other auction sites will always beat their price point. 

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