Sunday, April 14, 2013

Riptide or Markerlights plus nukes = ?

I may have underestimated the Riptide previously. In most of my thinking I took the unit a s it was: a BS3 monster that has good options but isn't killy enough. Now, I also stated, correctly, that you will have Pathfinders in each army because. You need them to make your army killy and my dumb mind looked back at the Riptide and said, "Aww, too and he's BS3" and then moved on. Mistakes were made.

The combination of Riptide and Pathfinders is the best combo the codex offers. You tag two units and your Riptides say, "Hello." It's a horrible icky mess what remains and now you choose two new targets or finish off what was left. By the way, I'm always talking about the Ion Accelerator. The Heavy Burst Cannon ain't good. The Ion Accelerator's plates are dangerous as hell and the Markerlights make them even more so. BS5, Ignores Cover when you have a Pathfinder unit of 8+ fire everything.

Riptides do need some modifications of their own though. Early Warning override for Interceptor. Since this baby is going full anti-MEQ and anti-light vehicle you might as well give it the close range punishment of either weapon that can be subbed for SMS. So in total your Riptide will come to 190 points each and you should take Pathfinders regardless so consider it a sunk cost.

The ability to churn out 3 templates a turn is no joke and they're all AP2 so no one is really safe. Still watch out for assaults though as the Riptide can easily get tar-pitted. You'll be destroyed by thigns like dreadnoughts and dreadknights in CC but the mass templates is hard to ignore.

I will say though that you'll be sinking a lot of points into this (570) so make sure you position well and spend some money on anti-air. Surrounding the glorious Riptide with Kroot filth to prevent assaults is a good idea too.

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