Monday, April 15, 2013

Tau Codex Review: TL;DR version

Troops slot is bereft of threats and poor in camping power.
Elites is a fight between mobile and sneaky and big and scary.
Fast Attack has Pathfinders that you must take.
HQ's got a big buff but can all be one-shotted rather easily at T3 and no invuln for everyone but Commander.
Broadsides got a massive nerf and now have to take missile fists and velocity tracker to be useful making them nerf again because they'll cost 15 points more than last codex.
Hammerheads are gonna be needed for Ion Cannon or Railgun even though they are bad.

The army as a whole has a lot of synergy and you'll be able to keep your models without much change. The new style is going to be Markerlights + Pie plates. If you can effectively handle Dreadknights or MEQs your list should wipe Tau.

Objective missions are impossible for Tau and Kroot Troops should be taken because they can stay off the board and Infiltrate thus not getting wiped out early.

They're less viable as an Ally (Broadside nerf, can only take 1 Hammerhead and/or Riptide) than before and equally viable as a main army.

That just about covers it.

TL;DR of the TL;DR

Troops Bad
Broadside nerfed
Tau get fucked in most missions in the game
Riptide plates only saving grace

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