Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Necrons, Necrons Everywhere

Kept thinking about the ridiculous lists from Adepticon (and how some of them had to have won purely by dice flukes and by being matched against even worse crafted lists). The Dark Eldar/Eldar lists sticks out particularly to me as the main fighting capabilities are a 300 point unit of Warriors and a 275 point unit of Wyches (albeit 55 of each are venoms, which are known to be extremely powerful when you only take 2). And a 240 point beast unit. Very scary with an average toughness of 3 and no armor saves against bolters. Oh and 665 points worth of unique HQs. Oh and 9 Necron armies. They were all roughly this:

Warriors, Night Scythe
Warriors, Night Scythe
Warriors, Night Scythe
Canoptek Wraiths x a few
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge

Garnish as you'd like, win accordingly.

So I've gone through all the lists and got annoyed as you can see. Two Draigostars were fielded in the top 16 and just over half the lists had Necrons. Of those that weren't we have Goatboy's Daemons list that he's posted on his blog several times. It's a bunch of Flying Slaaneshi DPs, Keeper of Secrets, Bloodthirster, Plaguebearers and Plaguedrones. Very fluffy. The TL Destructors on the Night Scythes would probably really mess up this list. I still think Plaguedrones are stupid expensive. They're pretty good objective and relic campers though as they can hide then jump in when the time is right. I'm still a little hazy on Jet Calvary though. There's a Tyranids list with 6 MCs and a Skyshield landing pad. The problem with the list is that it has a mere 20 Termaguants as their sole Troops. You're relying on the 2 Tervigons producing more and not getting killed themselves because you need them to cap points. 2 Flyrants and Dakkafexes w/Skyshield are the shooting. The Skyshield is to grant the Dakkafexes an elevated platform & an invuln save. Since you can place the pad and activate 'shielded' mode without lifting flaps and whatnot. This trick also works well for Riptides and Broadsides. To round out the non-Necrons there's a Orks list that's just the Orks list you've seen a million times: Ghazghkull, Meganob, Nobz, Boyz, Jets, Wagons, Trukks yada yada. Just a bunch of mediocre crap that you're hoping confuses your opponent enough that he isn't sure what unit he's actually shooting (haha sorry, that Trukk is actually a Magic School Bus 'counts as' Dakkajet. Lulz).

There's also 2 Grey Knights lists. 1 with Draigostar that I couldn't find online and 1 with 3 Razorbacks, an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor, Strike Squads, a Stormraven and an 8 man termie squad. Very little to scare an opponent in this one. I think most of the other lists would be able to deal with this small unit list pretty easily. Even the Daemons.

So what we have here is Necrons, Grey Knights and flukes. Just one fluke really because that DE/E list is just bananas. Just look at it:
(Not pictured: Aegis w/Quad-gun)
What do you do with this! 20 Warriors, 15 Wyches, 6(!) Guardian Jetbikes, 3 200+ point HQs, 2 Venoms. None of these amount to a threat. How did this move on? Regardless, not trying to insult the guy but I'm just not seeing the threats in this list. Still find it funny that Eldar and Dark Eldar are battle brothers. Man the Allies chart is dildos. Anyways this list will keep me up tonight.

Regardless here's what you have to counter from now on:

3 Night Scythes
3 Annihilation Barges
Possibly 2-3 Canoptek Wraith units

They will be the tourney winners so armies that can counter these will be devastating. Mech-IG springs to mind, Quad-gun, Heldrakes, oddly Daemons (Lash of Despair Daemon Princes mostly), Riptides, Broadsides. Hmmm, there are a lot of single units that can take on these lists but it's hard to field enough of them to do it right. 255 points for 3 anti-air broadsides versus 270 points for 12 TL Telsa Destructors on skimmers with AV13. It'll be verrry hard for a unit of Broadsides to take out just 1 Barge per turn.

Lash Prince (can't believe that's a thing again) can really slap the shit out of Barges and Scythes. You can keep them cheapish too. With Wings and Reward they're only 205. Obviously much more expensive than the barges but 3 of them can reallly hurt both barges and night scythes.

Overall I'm going to be doing some list-building and math-hammering a little bit to figure out what units will be good versus these carbon-copy lists.

PS: I like the second place list still. Hit and Run blob and a teleporting blob are really funny and interesting. I'd like to do 2 teleporting blobs in addition to tanks. Fun times.

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