Saturday, April 20, 2013

Unleash the Hounds! (A dream army)

This army that I'm going to write up cannot exist in the rules. I just want it to. But! If you are doing a 2v2 game I would suggest 1 side uses Daemons and Space Wolves. Each army will completely fill their Fast Attack slot with hounds. The rest I don't really care about so feel free to fill in (also I only have like 10 minutes to write this). Check 'em out:

Space Wolves
Wolf Lord, 100
Grey Hunter Pack, 75
Grey Hunter Pack, 75
Fast Attack
Fenrisian Wolves, 15, 120
Fenrisian Wolves, 15, 120
Fenrisian Wolves, 15, 120

Total: 610

Khorne Lord, Juggernaut, Locus of Fury, 120
Karanak, 120
Troops  (Screw fluff)
Plaguebearers, 90
Plaguebearers, 90
Fast Attack
Fleshhounds of Khorne, 15 extra, 320
Fleshhounds of Khorne, 15 extra, 320
Fleshhounds of Khorne, 15 extra, 320

Total: 1380

Overall Total: 1990 (hell yeah)

These armies, when combined, field 105 beasts for some in your face love. The whole army is based upon that fact that Beasts are, oddly, king in 40k units. Beasts get the best rules out of anyone (which is just so. stupid.) and thus an army with 105 of them is the best army. Not really but you understand.

Your whole army can assault turn 2 and do reasonably well in those assaults. They may get torn apart by flyers but there are enough of them that that doesn't matter. This whole army is completely a joke and against the rules but if you're just playing for fun this army will get hella laughs. It's not good but it's really really crazy.

PS: I played this army in a dream last night. Hence, this article.

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