Friday, April 19, 2013

Nope, I'm not moving. (A list you can't kill)

So I've decided to keep doing cheesy fun lists until I think of something else. Today I wanted to make a list that can take a blistering amount of fire and laugh. To do this I'm going back to CSM+Daemons only this time it's reversed as Daemons are primary and CSM are ally. Check it out:

Great Unclean One, Mastery 3, Greater, 260
Great Unclean One, Mastery 3, Greater, 260
Plaguebearers, 5 Extra, Lesser Reward, 145
Plaguebearers, 5 Extra, Lesser Reward, 145
Plaguebearers, 5 Extra, Lesser Reward, 145
Heavy Support
Soul Grinder, ...of Nurgle, Phlegm, 180
Soul Grinder, ...of Nurgle, Phlegm, 180

Total: 1315

Chaos Sorcerer, MoN, Bike, Psyker 2, Aura of DG, Spell Familiar, VotLW, 165
Cheapests, 50
Cheapests, 50
Fast Attack
Bikes!, 2 extra, MoNs, Meltagun x 2, Gift of Mutation, VotLW, 175

Total: 1750

The Greater rewards are to be used purely for survivability. I'm not too sure if I'll take the Soul Grinders in the end but they're there to concentrate down MEQ units that approach mid-field. The Great Unclean Ones are to move inexorably towards the enemy and use Biomancy to live through everything. The Plaguebearers should use their lesser reward for either the shooting attacks or a better sword. The rest of the lesser rewards are meh.

The bikers are to wreak havoc on the back lines while the Cultists up the cover save of the GUOs by walking in front of them (Seriously? Cultists can't join with an avatar of their deity into a single squad?!). The majority of your shooting is in the bikes and GUOs though and not actually the Soul Grinders. Sneaky sneaky target priority. Other than the Cultists no one is below T5 and the Bikers and GUO's are pretty much unwoundable by small-arms fire. The only issue is Grey Knights and Tau. Tau because their infantry weapons have a 1/3 chance of wounding instead of 1/6 and Grey Knights because Force Weapons. Also Dark Eldar have a great ability to wounds this army with their poisoned weapons but have really no ability to take shots back so you'll be looking for an alpha strike against them. If only the Bikes gave an extra wound too that would be delicious but, sadly, it's not so.

This list is to shut down small-arms fire and is a very counter-blob army because almost everyone has a great cover save (5+ in the open) and high toughness. The phlegm bombardments are meant to take out the heavy weapons that could wound the army badly like Plasma guns and Krak Missiles. The invuln saves make the army particularly survivable versus high strength weapons though. The average plasma gun within rapid fire range only does .6 wounds average. Things like Lascannons don't even have a 50% chance of wounding and , in fact, get much much worse when any of these units are in cover (read as: always).

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