Monday, April 1, 2013

March Madness Challenger Edition: Part 5, End of Round 2

Now I realized that Typhus would get an extra 2 rolls on the Boon Table for his participation in the mini-bracket. To make it fair I've given him one (his and Lucius's first round were both 'no reward', too bad). He recieved the reward Stubborn, so nothing changed in his combat. Here's the fights!


Sliscus 0/1fails save and dies
Ghazghkull 0/1

Bloodthirster 2(1ID)/Moves on
Azrael 0/Dead (got 1 shotted by decapitating blow, so we should assume he was, in fact, decapitated)

Typhus 0/Dead
Skarbrand 3(All ID)/Moves on (I’m not sure if anyone will be able to beat Skarbrand. Typhus had no chance in this fight because of Skarbrand's 7 AP2 I10 Fleshbane attacks. What’s to stop this monster?)

Swarmlord 1/3
Marneus Calgar 3/dead  (super close match due to Marneus rolling well and swarmlord not so well. The forced re-roll of successful invulns caused marneus to fail every save)

Logan Grimnar 0/1/dead!
Asurmen 2/0/1 (wow! Really close fight there. Asurmen’s superior initiative was what won the day, along with his re-rolling misses. The first swing landed 2 wounds and Grimnar failed both on a 2+!)

Avatar of Khaine 0/dead
Lucius the Eternal 4/Moves on (Holy shit, Lucius is in it to win it. When facing high WS champions he simply destroys. 10 attacks with re-roll to wound? Game over. Also what did Lucius get for Chaos boon? 55, all his CC attacks are instant death. Looks like we have a contender for the finale)

Ragnar Blackmane 1!/Dead!
Vect 2/1 (Wow! Another close one! Came down to one lucky roll on Vect’s part after he missed 5/6 hits. He managed to wound and Ragnar’s 4++ failed to save the wound, killing him. Ragnar’s 3rd attack shut down Vect’s 2++ which is why I put the exclamation point)

Sammael 0/0/0/Dead
Draigo 1/1/1 (Sammael failed even to wound the 2nd and 3rd rounds)


Astorath 2/Dead
Drazhar 2/2 Moves on (Used the bonus attacks mode both times and Astorath failed all of his invulns. Poor flying man is out! If only Drazhar had an invuln save I’d believe he’d have a huge chance of winning.)

Imotekh 0/1/1/Moves on
Orikan 0/0/1/Dead (These guys are poor fighters. Sad to see Orikan go before getting his power unlock)

Yarrick 1/0/Dead/Dead/0/Dead
Eldrad 1/1/1/2/0/Moves on 9 (This fight was re-roll central! Eldrad got Precognition every time and succeeded in wounding at least once every time against Yarrick killing him twice before he won by most wounds)

Lysander 1/0/0/1/1/Moves on
Abaddon 1/0/0/1/0/Dead (Total slap fight. Neither could get enough hits, and neither could fail enough invulns to stop combat. Abaddon rolled 2 1’s for his daemon weapon which pretty much ruined two rounds of combat for him, I’m guessing with any other roll he would have won this fight)

Farsight 1/0/Dead
Sanguinor 2/1/1/Moves on (Sanguinor’s AP3 mattered a lot in this fight. Hopefully Farsight gets a better statline next week)

Vulkan He’stan 1/1/0/0/1/Moves on
Kharn 1/0/0/0/0/Dead (It appears Vulkan He’stan actually make his cloak out of fairy magic because he failed 1 save out of 17. Wowzers. He should have died but this bamf was not falling to Chaos today apparently. 

Canis Wolfborn 1/2/0/0/Dead
St. Celestine 0/1/Dead/Dead/2 (Another comeback kid rises from the dead to stab faces. The way Celestine will be able to win this is by dying first round to 1 Instant Death wound and coming back in the last round with miraculous roles because other than that she is a shite combatant)

Aun'Va Dies.
Mephiston Moves on (Honestly do I need to fill this in? Mephiston managed to Perils on double 1’s but luckily his S10 power still goes off. Aun’Va’s complete lack of invuln, WS, I and A put him at a bit of a disadvantage.)

Lots of surprising turn-outs in these combats (except Aun'Va). Here are the updated brackets, the losers from the second round of winners now drop down to resurrection, could be a bloodbath next round. 



(This one is exciting!)

Lucius the Eternal

Asdrubael Vect
Kaldor Draigo







Vulkan He'stan

St. Celestine


So there you have it. An exciting round 2 leaves us with 8 remaining winners that include a super-powered Lucius, a very angry Ghazghkull (he's been wounded something like 8 times) and the seemingly unstoppable Skarbrand. I'll post the results of Round 3 tomorrow!

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