Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Quickie: Is that Psyker gonna work?

Just wanted to throw out some quick maths on the failure rate of Psykers.

1/6 deny the witch and 3/36 fail to cast with Ld 10. With Ld 9 it's an additional 1/6.

So in total those powers cast on enemies have a 25% failure rate with Ld 10 and a 33% rate with Ld 9.

Now how about that gun you've got? Storm bolter? BS 4 means you have 33% chance of hitting. Against MEQ with your 2 shots you cause .11 wound per shot or .22 wounds total. Meaning you have a very low (less than 60%) chance of killing someone.

I include the storm bolter comparison to validate Psychic powers. It was much easier to get one off last edition but in this edition they're the best shooting attacks outside of BS 5 and still pretty good besides. In a 5 turn game you have a 65% chance of passing every power. That's good odds. If it's against other units you have a 23% chance in a 5 turn game of hurting someone every time. Still pretty good odds for a unit wide shooting attack.

Honestly, enemy specific psychic powers get a bad rap with Deny the Witch but the odds are as in your favor as they can get in this game.

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