Friday, March 15, 2013

Chaos Daemons: Part 12, Concluding Comments

So how does this Codex stack up?

With the removal of Breath of Chaos Daemons were hurt bad. Their current templates are abysmal and nothing replaced the niche leftover. I'm confused why because Daemons were kinda bad before. All of their shooting is now concentrated on a few bad units and random psychic powers (with random strength or random attacks). Even Pink Horrors have horrid shooting now (base unit might kill 1 MEQ in a round of psychic shooting that wasn't Denied or failed) and none of the other troops have shooting.

All the equipment that you want is random, and all the Exalted equipment is crappy (Though you'll probably want Grimoire because 3+ invuln is nice). MC's are weaker because you never know what you'll get an there's a pretty good chance you'll get something useless for you. Also, in my opinion, the gifts are over-priced because the MC's are overpriced. Can't get 1 reward for free? You're the Avatar of an effing god after all.

The Psychic powers suck, they're either bad or random or don't effect MEQ. It's insane that you can make powers that don't do anything versus MEQ. What armies do people play? Also you're so boned versus Grey Knights now that you should concede then just play for fun. You cannot win competitively against them.

As allies these guys might do really well with CSM. Not because of troops or Flying MC's but because of Tzeentch Heralds. Chaos Havocs with Autocannons and Prescience? Yes, I'll take 3 sets. The cheapness of the Psykers make them pretty awesome in my opinion (but really, you're only taking them for Prescience). Take some minimum squads of plaguebearers and voila! For 360 points you can target 4 units with Prescience and have 2, 5-man, 2+ cover save objective campers. Hell, if you're bored, take a unit of 15 Slaaneshi Furies and suicide the enemy back-line. You're still only at 480 for an ally but now you've super-buffed your shooting, gotten two neat little objective sitters and 1 deep threat. Okay! If only you could put Daemons in a unit that has no alignment then you wouldn't have to worry about people sniping your Psykers (Or cast blessing powers on Allies of convenience). Buy them a Disc and hope for the best maybe? Such a funny image, these pink tentacle monsters on top of stingrays flying all over the place telling people how to shoot better.

So yeah, Primary Detachment, no, Allied Detachment, Maybe. You'll have to see how a multitude of psykers and cheap troops help you out. It might be something for Cultist/Heldrake lists to look into or maybe even a 50/50 mix of Tau. Buff Daemons shooting while using troops in front to buff Tau's awful CC. Not the most optimized list but definitely funny when you have a Khorne front-line and a Tau back-line.

Seeker Cavalcades, HQ Cavalcades
Plaguebearer's (stupid strong) Cover Saves
Divination Heralds
Flying Circus (Flying DP's and some MC HQ's)
Cheaper MC's (not cheap enough but still getting some bang for the buck)
Don't have to Deep Strike but still can

Random crap (powers, rewards, strength, attacks etc.)
Warp Storm Table
Troops suck (if you have a unit that's over-priced don't nerf it then lower the cost, just lower the cost)
No Shooting
New Units (they're all bad)
Nerfs to Flamers
No Breath of Chaos
Random Charge distance (in an entirely CC army this hurts bad)
Bloodcrushers Armor Save

There you have it. Chaos Daemons, every unit reviewed with math. In the end I'd really love to use these guys as allies for CSM still but in a different way than before. More focus on Psyker HQ's than FMCs and FDPs. I'm never taking Pink Horrors or Bloodcrushers again but I can't wait to re-roll every shot that I take in a game (seems fair right?).

I guess next I'll dart around and Math out some random builds (Telion on a Quad-Gun? Eldar Psykers + DE = Poisoned Ruination?) while slowly tackling every unit in existence. I'll post some of my own builds as well and give out challenges (ex: How many Land Raiders can you get into 2000 points). Thanks for reading!


  1. Just randomly found this blog. You and Stelek from yesthetruthhurts blog sound like brothers.

    Unfortunately, those plaguebearer objective campers have to be taken in minimum squads of 10 instead of the 5 in the previous codex... so if you want two minimum squads you will be dropping 180 points on allied troops. Might be better off sticking with CSM and 50 pt cultist squads going to ground for those backfield objectives.

    Also - heralds can only be taken 4 per HQ slot if daemons are taken as the primary detachment... so as allies 1 tzeentch herald takes up the entire allied HQ slot.... unless they FAQ it of course.

  2. Also... are you planning to review the new Tau codex when it drops in a week or two? Looking forward to more articles regardless.

  3. I do plan on reviewing the new Tau codex.

    I'm upset that I missed the Primary only bit about Heralds. Very depressing that that option is removed.

    For the plaguebearers you're spending 5 points extra for +1S +1T 5+ Invuln, shrouded and the ability to glance vehicles. It's a trade-off admittedly but I'm very for it. I really wish you could just buy 5 though.

    Thanks for the read!
