Sunday, March 10, 2013

Chaos Daemons: Part 3, Marks


Not this kind

The marks will be pretty easy math-wise. Let's get to it.

Furious Charge, Hammer of Wrath nonsense on vehicles you won't take. Great. Furious Charge makes Bloodletters Str 5 on the charge which gives them a 3+ vs MEQ and a 2+ vs. FX. With 3+ to hit vs. both and no armor saves for either this is bargain; as each attack has a .44 chance to wound MEQ and .55 chance against FX. Nice.

Re-rolls 1s on saves. I'm not sure if that means all 1's or just the first but we'll assume it just means the first one.  5+ invuln with a 1/6 chance of getting one and re-rolling it means your save goes from .33 save rate to .38 save rate. Okay.

Gets shrouded. No math necessary. In ruins, their cover saves are 2+. *Eye roll* Give Soul Grinders mark of Nurgle and if you can hide half of him behind a building he gets 2+ too. Why not Feel No Pain again?

Rending gives you 1/6 chance to have AP2. Done. The run rules are confusing and I'm not sure the Chariot special rules work? Maybe I'm not well-versed enough.

The mark rules are nothing to write home about. They're useful and Nurgle, in my opinion, is OP because they have better cover saves than Kroot. Maybe if Fleet was as good as it was in 5th and Tzeentch just gave you a 4+ instead of a reroll and Khorne gave you Rage as well and Nurgle was stealth instead of shrouded or Feel No Pain instead and we'd be able to say all of the rules are good without being broken but hey, that would make sense.

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