Friday, March 29, 2013

March Madness Challenger Edition: Part 2, Brackets and Rules

So it came to my attention that a few of the Challengers can resurrect themselves and that some others may not die within average game length 1v1 so to counteract this we have the following rules:

  • 5 Rounds
  • No charges, we are assuming that both Challengers stepped up to fight simultaneously
  • Most wounds after 5 rounds wins
  • If there is a tie, there is a sudden death round, whomever does the most wounds in that round wins, in the even there is still a tie it's a roll-off.
  • If both contenders die, the one who did more wounds moves on (Instant death only counts as 1 wounds for this purpose)
  • Resurrection Bracket: After the winners are determined there is a loser's bracket where the loser's have a second chance at final victory.
  • During the second round there will be 2 mini-brackets. 4 random Challengers will fight in each of the brackets with 1 winner coming out and rejoining each bracket. This is due to the odd number of contenders.
And that's that. Now the Bracket. I apologize for not having proper bracket format but I'm a Blogger newbie so bear with me. To make the bracket I put every name into a computer program that then randomly paired the names off. Here we go:

Astorath the Grim
Duke Sliscus

Ghazghkull Thraka

Castellan Crowe
Imotekh the Stormlord

Prince Yriel

Orikan the Diviner
Grand Master Azrael

Commisar Yarrick

Eldrad Ulthran
Ku'Gath Plaguefather



Kasarro Khan
Marneus Calgar

Commander Farsight

Logan Grimnar
The Sanguinor

Colonel Straken
Pheonix Lord Asurmen

Avatar of Khaine
Vulkan He'Stan

Lucius the Eternal
Kharn the Betrayer

Ragnar Blackmane
Canis Wolfborn

Asdrubael Vect
St. Celestine

Aun'Va, Master of the Undying Spirit, Wielder of the Paradox of Duality, General Badass


These fights look awesome and I can't wait to start rolling them. Check back tomorrow after I finish round 1!


  • Warlords who have assigned traits will keep them. This may unbalance the game in favor of newer codexes but since none of the traits in the main rulebook affect close combat that isn't the first round they'll be at a disadvantage even if I were to randomly assign them a trait. 
  • All HQ's with a 'once per game' ability may use it 'once per fight'
  • Mephiston took the three assault Blood Angels powers: Might of Heroes, Sanguine Sword, Unleash Rage
  • Sanguinor was randomly assigned his bonus against Draigo and has the power sword version for glaive encarmine (to represent his model)
  • CSM champions get to roll on the Boon Table and keep it for future rounds. Hell yeah
  • Typhus got Gift of Contagion and the second power doesn't matter
  • Azrael has the warlord trait The Hunt for the emperor
  • Shadow Field's get repaired between battles
  • Eldrad choose 4 new powers, all from Divination and got: Prescience, Foreboding, Forewarning and Precognition
  • Crowe's effects on others are only just for the first part of assault so no effect happens, lucky him
  • Orikan rolls his d6 and follows the rules of The Stars are Right
  • Saga of the Warrior Born carries over to the next round

1 comment:

  1. I suspect Skarband will kill all without much problems. Skulls for the Skull Throne
    Gazza will do well too assuming he gets a round of two of waarghing for that 2++
