Thursday, March 28, 2013

MEQ Blob

What's more dangerous than an IG blob? The same blob consisting of Space Marines obviously. Mission: fit as many MEQ as you can into one list. Second Mission: cut some of the fat.

Mission 1
Dark Angels Primary, Space Marines Ally (this is because DA MEQs are all cheaper)

Librarian, (Divination, Standard of Devastation, Force Sword), 130

10 Spess Marines, (Flamer), 145
10 Spess Marines, (Flamer), 145
10 Spess Marines, (Flamer), 145
10 Spess Marines, (Flamer), 145
10 Spess Marines, (Flamer), 145
10 Spess Marines, (Flamer), 145


Librarian, (Biomancy, Telepathy, Force Axe), 100

10 Space Marines, (Flamer, Multi-Melta), 170
10 Space Marines, (Flamer), 170

Total: 1440

You can add some upgrades for the squads but really at 1500 points this is what you can get. 60 Marines and 2 Librarians helping buff them. The Standard of Devastation/Divination Librarian gives everyone Salvo 2/4 Bolters and takes Prescience for re-roll to hit on a squad. Since you're only at 1440 I'd take another Divination Librarian and remove 1 flamer.

Now for a full 1999+1 list I'd change it to this:

Librarian, (Divination, Standard of Devastation, Force Sword), 130
Librarian, (Divination, Storm Bolter, Force Axe), 70

10 Spess Marines, (Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta), 165
10 Spess Marines, (Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta), 165
10 Spess Marines, (Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta), 165
10 Spess Marines, (Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta), 165
10 Spess Marines, (Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta), 165
10 Spess Marines, (Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta), 165

Fast Attack
10 Assault Marines, (Melta Bomb, Flamer x2), 185
10 Assault Marines, (Melta Bomb, Flamer x2), 185

2000 on the nose. The second divination Librarian got a Storm Bolter because I had 5 extra points. The full list is now:

Librarian, (Divination, Standard of Devastation, Force Sword), 130
Librarian, (Divination, Storm Bolter, Force Axe), 70

10 Spess Marines, (Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta), 165
10 Spess Marines, (Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta), 165
10 Spess Marines, (Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta), 165
10 Spess Marines, (Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta), 165
10 Spess Marines, (Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta), 165
10 Spess Marines, (Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta), 165

Fast Attack
10 Assault Marines, (Melta Bomb, Flamer x2), 185
10 Assault Marines, (Melta Bomb, Flamer x2), 185

Librarian, (Biomancy, Telepathy, Force Axe), 100

10 Space Marines, (Flamer, Multi-Melta), 170
10 Space Marines, (Flamer, Multi-Melta), 170

Now you have a total of 103 MEQ which makes me laugh. The Multi-meltas can be switched for Flakk missile launchers if you drop the Plasma Gun. I'm not too worried about Flyers in my local meta (not many people can/want to afford them) so I just take MMs for blowing up lots of vehicles. You have two Divination Librarians giving you 2 10 man units with 32 re-roll to hit bolter shots each. This will get about 10 MEQ per turn or 19 FX per turn. And then everyone else gets to shoot. So with this list you can take out blobs and vechicle parks but you'll have some trouble with flyers. It's not that bad except for transporting this monstrosity.

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