Ancient Doom
A super-fluffy rule giving you Hatred v. Slaanesh and Slaanesh type products. The rule also includes a -1 Ld penalty to Fear tests if taken against though units. 4/5 for this rule. It's super-fluffy, makes a ton of sense but in the end it's not gonna affect much which is the only reason I wouldn't say it's a perfect rule. Just a great rule.
Battle Focus
Can either shoot then run or run then shoot. Really good rule for Dark Eldar...oh wait. But yeah really nice rule, also makes exceptions for firing Heavy Weapons (you can't unless you're Relentless). I guess they give Battle Focus to a tank later in the game because it says units that cannot run do not gain the benefit of this why do they have it?
Short and sweet, the rules make a bit of sense and are pretty fluffy. I think Battle Focus should be renamed because Battle Focus doesn't call to mind very mobile shooting. More like swordsmanship but yeah maybe just me. Rules are still good and fluffy. I like.
Warlord Traits
One use only traits make me sad but I guess they just added Warlord to give a teeeeeny tiny buff to one guy to make battles seem more thematic. What's it's really done is hampered us players down with extra bullshit to pay attention to but I digress.
Ambush of Blades
Can use in either shooting or assault which is nice. Could be used to perform a devastating alpha strike on the enemy army with the right composition.
Eye on Distant Events
Riptide decides to drop plates on your guys? This trait. It forces the Riptides to use their markerlights to remove your cover save. It's also nice to prevent overwhelming alpha strikes. Neat
Falcon's Swiftness
Yes. This is what a like. A constant. An unchanging buff. It's not much but always getting at least 2'' can be clutch in certain circumstances. Plus combined with Battle Focus you can make sure to always be in range even if you start out of line of sight.
Fate's Messenger
This is the equivalent of the Daemon of Tzeentch trait right? Pretty nice Trait to have. It'll definitely make your Warlord more survivable but since I haven't read the rest of the codex yet we'll see if that matters.
Mark of Incomparable Hunter
Warlord has Split Fire. I just hope your Warlord is a Gundam.
Seer of the Shifting Vector
Homing beacon as a warlord trait. Again. The fuck is with GW? This is the 3rd codex in a row with this as a unique trait. Daemons Tau Eldar all have this as a warlord trait while marines have to spend a few points to get it and a more useful trait. Lame. Was lame, still is lame.
The warlord traits aren't bad but they aren't game changers they're game slowers. They don't add pizzazz to your army nor will they change the way you play they're just there to slow down one turn as your get your book out to make sure you are using the right trait again. If a rule doesn't even slightly change gameplay then why add it?
Eldar have some pretty good army rules and some of the better warlord traits in the game. They aren't game changers and won't tip the balance in your favor even if it's a close game but they will add a slight something to each turn. I must say this though, if I were to run a tournament I'd ban warlord traits but keep the warlord. Too much hassle and extra baggage to add when you can just nominate one guy as the warlord and be done. That's all for now. I'll be picking apart HQs next.
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