Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Recent Absence

I've been gone from this blog for some months now. Tons of new stuff has come out and I can't even find it all at my new FLGS (Friendly Local Gaming Store). I've been at training since about a week after my last blog post and just recently got settled at my new base. I'm going to finish reviewing Eldar as soon as possible. I also have to do math for new Space Marines, the supplements, dataslates, Escalation rules, Stronghold Assault, Kill Team and Inquisition (not in that order). Also why doesn't GW list all their books in one section? Took me awhile to find all these books. Apparently GW is now releasing rules for every individual mini? For essentially the same price as one mini. Sheesh. If I can find a copy of the dataslates I'll review them but $12 for fluff for an individual mini with some rules seems excessive.

Anyways I'll get back at it as soon as I can. Gonna finish Eldar.